vsebina crta

Voice services

vsebina crta vsebina crta

vsebina crta

vsebina crta

vsebina crta

We are an international operator with over 150 international connections. We provide our customers with high-quality services on our direct connections in the region and high-quality transit services through our partners for all destinations across the globe. We have our own network in the region and our own licences for the termination of mobile and landline networks in EE.UU.

Competitive prices and a quality-driven approach

he high volumes of transit telecommunications traffic in global locations, where we transit approximately 650 million minutes a year, confirm our competitive prices and quality-driven approach.

Ensured quality
Top-quality voice services are the best solution for your international voice traffic in the EE.UU.. This quality is ensured by an exceptionally reliable and high-redundancy network that supports all the oldest and latest transfer protocols (TDM/SS7 and VoIP architecture). Modern technology supported by the latest software solutions allows our Customer Support Centre to monitor all the quality parameters in real time, and together with our top-level technical team, they solve problems rapidly and efficiently. Customer support is provided in English and in Spanish.

High flexibility and extensive experience
Since the company was set up in 2018, we have obtained extensive experience that allows us to help our partners with connections to destinations that are difficult to access. Our excellence lies in tailor-made services and high flexibility in concluding a bilateral agreement that can include voice and data services.


T: (866) 755 VSEM